Crypto Mining Watch

This Smart Watch has entered the health scene. Because it does what no other Smart Watch can do. Crypto Mining. This Crypto Mining Watch can change the world in ways that you will absolutely love. This watch is a piece of the world’s first decentralized health data platform.

Crypto Mining Watch

Crypto Mining Watch

So let me show you this exciting technology. This retains and collects data. And also retains valve. Watch this 2 min. video below.

Here is some information to launch this, and what it means as an Opportunity: Crypto Mining Watch

Data Privacy and Protection

After all data privacy is extremely important. There are different apps on your phone, tablet and computer warn you that your own personal data that they collect from your device is for their own use. Health data is one of the most sought after data. In fact, Insurance companies are right now tying your health data to insurance rates and even loan approvals. Why is it that medical facilities take your vitals, but do not give you a copy of what they wrote down? 

Crypto Mining Watch

All things considered the time is NOW to change that and give you added privacy and protection. As per that quick 2 minute video above states, when the crypto mining watch produces data, the data NFT gives proof of ownership. Because this means YOU retain ownership of your information. Also with the information now remaining private after collection, All in all your personal information is safe. After all it will never be linked to the actual health data. 

After all in exchange for you looking after your health, you will receive rewards from mining. Because the mining creates data blocks and those blocks continue on to places looking to buy data like the medical industry, such as hospitals and research centers. Because of places like this wanting the information and paying us for it, our value of the mining is not based on hype like other digital currencies. Welcome to Web 3.0 and enjoy the perks of owning your data.

Wearable Medical Devices

All things considered this unique opportunity is by invitation only. And I am personally inviting you.  But first what is it that I am inviting you to participate in? Altogether the crypto mining watch as a wearable medical device is First To Market. Meanwhile it has many of the features of your current SmartWatch or health band, because these products do much more than track your steps, count calories and sleep analysis.

More importantly, who is getting your data? There is a reason that Fitbit was in dire straights and Google bought them up. Because Google wanted access to the millions of people whose health data was in the custody of Fitbit. So how much is your health data worth to companies? After all to Google it was worth $2.1 BILLION! How comfortable are you in using a product that you have no control over your data that you worked for?  

The Competition

Crypto Mining Watch

Also same thing for those Samsung and Apple watches, who has control over your information?  Wouldn’t you like a say in who can have what information and still remain anonymous? Well, of course you would. Now how about if you received payment for such data?  WHAT?!?! A watch and health band that PAYS you to wear it?  Additionally the current devices on the market do not state that my data 

I took a look at Fitbit and looking at comparisons of what they can do. And I will say they have definitely improved since I last looked at FitBit, however, not one states that I can have control of my data.  And they sure do not offer to pay me to wear it.

Step 1:

Basically you start with requesting your Code by completing the form below. Don’t worry, we will get you directed back to this page, but for your ease of mind, feel free to bookmark it specifically right now. Please wait up to 24 hours for me to get you this code.

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Step 2:

Crypto Mining Watch

Also pick your Data-NFT Level. What is NFT? We are here to help inform you so you make the best decision for YOU! If you are ordering before Feb 26, 2023, just know that the only option available right now is Data-NFT Level 3. We have it as part of our Founders Edition that will include a free device. Not only that but by coming in at the Founders Edition ensures you the ability to grow a side gig. Multiple streams of income is the way of the future.

Step 3:

Crypto Mining Watch

So pick your Device. Once you have successfully ordered your Data NFT level, you will next choose your device. Will you choose one of the watches or the Biosense device? No worries, you will be able to read up on all options before you place your order. And I am here to help you as well.

So to redeem your device, you will receive an email from InPersona saying: “Congratulations on purchasing your Data-NFT”. You will then click on a link to “Redeem”. This takes you to the HeloHealth Website. It will ask you to login, you must use your email that you used for the InPersona app. You will receive an OTP to confirm your identity and will then proceed to choose your device. Do not, at this point, start your Wellness Subscription yet. That will be the next Step.

Before you checkout:

After that watch for the spot to enter the redemption code, this is on the email.

You Really need to see this:

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Meanwhile we have an amazing delivery system for Brain Food that we have found that is life changing. This is an incredible exclusive product that was released in 2020. Its a product called Bran Reimagined. Bran has a long A that is pronounced Brain. This is brain food that your brain needs for good brain function.

Crypto Mining Watch